Sunday, February 27, 2005

Maha Shivarathri on March 8

Maha Shivaratri is being celebrated on March 8 this year.

Tridalam Trigunakaram Trinetramcha Triyayudham;
Trijanma Papa Samharam Eka Bilvam Sivarpanam.
In this connection, you can see the entire list of 274 Siva Temples across India (and a couple of them in SriLanka) from my personal website at

Inspiration: During the visit to Tenkasi, (as part of the Sabarimala tour), I saw the network of Siva Temples displayed there as a photograph. I was inquiring whether there is any detail in website/book but there does not seem to be so. Hence I thought for the benefit of pilgrims world over, I would try to bring this section.

Please do check out the same and send in your feedback and comments to me. 

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