Bhavani Amman Temples in Tamil Nadu
![[Bhavani Amman, Periyapalam]](
The power and prowess of Lordess has never been underestimated and particularly during the month of Aadi, which has been exclusively dedicated to the worship of Shakthi as has been time and again reemphasized in this weblog. In this post, we would cover in depth about Bhavani temples in and around Chennai.
Even today people in Tamil Nadu consider that an attack of small pox or a chicken pox to be as a visit of Goddess Amman. This is triggered off by a series of visits to nearest Amman temples and also after the recovery, visit to other Amman temples. The most significant of the Amman temple near Chennai is Periyapalayam. It lies somewhere in the Chennai - Thirupathi highway on the route of Tada. It is near to Arani in Tiruvellore district near Chennai. Do not confuse this with Arani in Vellore district.
The most significant of this temple shrine are:
- There are thousands of devotees who visit this shrine during the month of Aadi and stay for a week to offer thier prayers. This festival is normally celebrated during Saturdays and Sundays. You can see makeshift residences on the Arani river banks during the month of Aadi.
- There are different types of offerings to the Lordess. Typically meat is offered to the Lordess (form of Parvathi), Lord Shiva's spouse. Thousands of chickens are slaughtered during the event.
- Devotees, irrespective of male or female or kid, also tonsure thier head and have them shaven to please the Goddess.
- Virgins wrap themselves in neem leaves before circumambulating the temple. This, they believe, that would please the Lordess and bless them with marriage wishes.
- The devotees, who assemble together from far-flung places stay together, cook a special food made of of rice called Pongal and eat it as Lordess' Prasadam.
- Lordess Bhavani has a sparkling diamond in Her nostril that even overwhelms the brightness of the widespread sea and oceans.
- The temple is dedicated to utmost divinity and devotion and there is no place for just for tourist visits. Hence it is an appeal to everyone to visit Her temple with pious devotion, shedding ego of any kind and without intentions of tourist spot visits.
The temple assumes real significance in that Lordess Parvathi penanced here to Lord Shiva to win Him as Her spouse. With the penance turning futile, she vowed to remain virgin and hence the temple is dedicated to Her in the form of Devi Kanya (a virgin Goddess).
Check out Bhavani Amman Temple website over here for more details.
Periyapalayaththamman Temples in Chennai
There is also a temple dedicated to Periyapalayaththamman near Adyar Telephone exchange. People who could not find time travelling to Periyapalayam can consider taking a pilgrimage at least to the temple in thier vicinity.
Readers If you know of other Periyapalaththamman temples, please share with others by posting as comments for the benefit of other readers.
Dear Mr Deepak Vasudevan
It was really enriching going through the article. Am Spaarsh from Bangalore & planning a visit to Arani Peryapalyam temple & also visit few temples around the visinity. would request you to guide in this regard & also would like to if there are guided tour programmes
Anticipating your response
warm regards
For information around Arani near Periyapalayam and a comprehensive details of temples around chennai with map information, pls visit the following Blog of Travelogue on Temples around Chennai:
there is a bhavani amman temple near
excellent blog.
Indian Vedic contribution is a reservoir of Vibrant Information and Harmonious Creativity. May the Womb of Nature Embrace all with Tranquil Blessings from this day forward. Let this attract one's attention affecting them Positively. It is a Sanctuary of the Self , a Creative Venue which serves as an Enduring Expression of Lightness, where a peaceful Atmosphere with Sunlight Flows and serene atmosphere prevail.
In the storm of life we struggle through myriads of stimuli of pressure, stress, and muti-problems that seek for a solution and answer. We are so suppressed by the routine of this every life style that most of us seem helpless. However, if we look closely to ancient techniques we shall discover the magnificent way to understand and realize the ones around us and mostly ourselves. If only we could stop for a moment and allow this to happen. May all beings be happy (Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu)
The ancient Hindu philosophy of keepiing mind and body for the well being, has entered the managerial, medical and judicial domain of the world. Today it has found its place as an alternative to the theory of modern management and also as a means to bring back the right path of peace and prosperity for the human beings. Let me bow to Indian Maharishi Veda Vysa with folded hands who helped in removing the impurities of the mind through his writings on Vedas, impurities of speech through his writings on puranas, and impurities of body through his writings on other sacred texts.
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