Friday, August 29, 2008

I am featured in Rang De Website as a 'Supporter'

I am featured in Rang De Website as a 'Supporter'

Sometime back, we were discussing about the new website called 'Rang De'. A week back, I learnt from Smita, the founder of Rang De about the new features that they have incorporated in the website to make it more convincing and helpful to assist the financially challenged strata of the society and enable them to climb up in the life.

I visited the website and found a number of useful features which I just thought would share them here and which I trust would help more people to know about Rang De and participate in the noble service to the society.

  1. Rang De now supports Visa/MasterCard Credit cards so that anyone can now easily participate in the noble service.
  2. SmartInvest: If you are in a hurry and/or can not aptly choose someone who you want to help, you can opt for this program and RangDe would choose people who can be helped with your fund.
  3. Quick, Fast and Friendly 'Search Investors' UI to make browsing through the website a pleasure.

I am Featured:

I would like to thank the founder (Smita) for considering my profile to be featured in the 'Supporters' section. I have attached a quick screenshot here for ready reference. You can also check out the actual URL over here.


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