Sunday, October 07, 2012

Introspection Exercise :: How Effective Are your Bargaining/Selling Skills?

Do you often find it difficult, awkward and embarassing

  1. To say no to a persistent salesman and hence end-up stuffing too many 'junk' things in your household?
  2. To return faulty goods back to the shop-keeper?
  3. To bargain whilst you buy something?
  4. To initiate and/or continue a (healthy and formal) conversation with a stranger?
  5. To partake in a vibrant and healthy social conversation?
  6. To mingle with a group and hence end up as a lone-wolf in social gatherings and get-to-gethers?
  7. To refuse any request from a friend, relative, colleague, co-worker/cow-orker or a relative?
  8. To request any favor or assistance from a friend, relative or a co-worker?
  9. To pay compliments to a friend, colleague or relative?
  10. To criticize a friend, colleague or relative?
  11. To accept criticisms from others?
  12. To accept compliments graciously and with humility from others?
  13. To share the innermost and tender feelings with someone?
  14. To refuse extra-work at office or home despite the facts that your hands/plates are full?
  15. To show your hurt/anger at office or home?
  16. To request a pay raise or an extra leave from your boss?
  17. To peacefully protest with emphatic strength when you are deny-delayed a right of promotion that you stand eligible for?
  18. To pull-up or scold your subordinates or workers?
  19. To stand-up to your boss even though you are right?
  20. To stand-up to others for your self-esteem and self-respect?

1 comment:

Sridhar Chandrasekaran said...

You have an interesting blog. thanks for sharing.