- Devilish attacks on the eve of Kalastami
- Tumultuous presence of Raja/Tama jeopardizing the Saatwik entities.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Seeking the protection of Chottanikka Bhagavathi ...
Another salient attitude to make Internet safe and secure information highway ...
There is also an advise of refraining from Cc'ing to a huge list of recipients. (Point taken). But at the same time there hasn't been a pressing issue of Virus Bomb and Unlawful Activities solicitations and hence this had to be alerted to the larger crowd at the earliest.
Thank you Srini for sharing your thoughts with others.
Ayyappa -- manifesting as supreme
When around seventy-five per cent chanting was done, the team bifurcated and the second team started on the bhajans.
Eighth Year Sabarimala Vratham started ...
Kala-astami strikes out its hot tongue at LavanyaDeepak ...
- Virus Bomb. Neither did the fr***ing AVG nor Inbox.com able halted it and it came right into the Inbox. Interestingly since it was a screensaver application and I don't trust such apps I got VirusTotal to do a scan for it which let the cat out of the bomb. The sender had included around 500 recipients in the same message besides sending one more spam. I have been ransacking my brains and its archived repositories tremendously to see if I could not recall the sender and if I know him/her but to no avail. So in a good samaritan gesture I chose to 'Reply All' to the disribution regarding the necessity of Scanning proactively with Cloud security systems like VirusTotal, Jotti and Panda Cloud besides resident antivirus systems like AVG, Kaspersky, McAfee etc.
- Solicitation. One of the recipient involved in the interesting incident outlined (1) was soliciting personal assistance regarding a hacking. Both my Inbox and the relaying Google Mail terms of service prohibited the same. Hence chose to do the following on that solicitation, as a gesture of my good netizenship gesture:
- Reported the email to Inbox.com and Google Mail along with my advise to the recipient list.
- Advised regarding forum posting guidelines. Not sure whether the direct recipient would be able to understand it but at least it would be useful for others.
- Catastrophic showers of disgusting words on me and my sister. In such incidents my normal gesture and advise would be to put sugar in the mouth of the person who scolds that way because in scolding that way the person's tongue would have got bitter. Neither of us are bothered about such bad showers. We have come all along covering a lot of such similar trials and tribulations of life. But I would just like to share a small story from the life of Gautama Buddha for the benefit of everyone:
If only blogger brought comment moderation remotely ...
- Mail To Blogger
- Live Writer
- Blog from Mobile
- Next: Think and it shall be blogged ??
Saturday, November 27, 2010
My Farm in FaceBook
There is a saying in Tamil which emphasizes the three basic necessities of life – ‘Food’, ‘Clothing’ and ‘Shelter’. Food forms the basic of everything. Zynga has put in a considerable effort in bringing out an application called ‘Farmville’ on Facebook to kindle everyone’s interest in agriculture at least from an e-desktop perspective.
Just thought of sharing about this game with a snapshot of my farm. Currently planted ‘Cranberry’, ‘Daffodils’ with a Cherry and a Guava tree. Don’t expect fancy things like other farmers. Currently I am not not just a beginner and amateurish farmer but also have a paucity of time to focus on that.
No one can underestimate the greatness of agriculture. Only if some one enters the slushy paddy fields we can have a sumptuous food to eat. Even Vivek tells about this in one comedy movie track that even if the world perishes at least the agriculturist would survive.
My Kitten strengthens my vocabulary …
It was from my sister and kitten that I came to know of a site called ‘The Free Dictionary’ which has a very innovative vocabulary game called ‘Hangman’. Now from her profile in Facebook I got to know a similar Facebook-flavored Hangman under the collection ‘Classic Word Games’
This flash game is more innovative with multiple levels of difficulty with audio beeps. Of course, play it on a high speed internet connection because of the heavy shockwave flash movie content it downloads for you.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Potomac or Pampa
As a followup to my mention of ‘Sabarimala of the West’ I was doing a little research on the new temple. I would like to share about a few thoughts which I got with the grace of the Lord.
- Potomac (for Sabarimala of the West)
Pampa (for Sabarimala) - The Arindhum Ariyamalum sloka below indicates four places as illustrative for Ayyappa. Potomac river controls four states in its realm: Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC (Commonwealth State) and Maryland.
ஓம் அறிந்தும் அறியாமலும் தெரிந்தும் தெரியாமலும் அடியேன் செய்த சகல குற்றங்களையும் பொறுத்துக் காத்தருள வேண்டும். ஓம் ஸ்ரீ சத்தியமான பொன்னு பதினெட்டாம் படிமேல் வாழும் வில்லாளி வீரன் வீரமணி கண்டன் காசி ராமேஸ்வரம் பாண்டி மலையாளம் அடக்கி ஆளும் ஓம் ஸ்ரீ ஹரி ஹர சுதன் ஆனந்த சித்தன் எங்கள் ஐயன் ஐயப்பா ஸ்வாமியே சரணம் ஐயப்பா
[Arindum Ariyamalum Tamil Slokam Courtesy: Sri Ayyappa Seva Sangham, France]
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Let us wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving (the equivalent of India’s Thai Pongal). A few comparison points between ThanksGiving and Thai Pongal.
- Both are harvest festivals towards showing the gratitude of bountiful harvest to nature, flora, fauna and other contributing entities.
- Three Day Festival of Pongal: Bhogi, Pongal, Kanu Mattup Pongal. Thanksgiving comes on fourth thursday of November which accompanied by ‘Day After Thanksgiving’ (Friday – TGIF
) and the hearty weekend makes it a rewarding festival.
- Thai Pongal marks the end of Margazhi month and start of Thai month. Thanksgiving marks the end of fall and beginning of winter.
- Thai Pongal marks the transition from Dakshinayanam to Uthiranayanam. Thanksgiving presents a seamless transition from fall to winter (which evolves slowly into Seasons period and New Year)
- Sweet sugarcane is the most sought-after stuff in Thai Pongal. Thanksgiving is associated predominantly with Turkey.
- Makara Jyothi forms part of this celebration in Pongal. Mandala Pooja days coincides with ThanksGiving.
Let us have a small prayer to Ayyappa and Annapoorna who are considered the Gods of food.
WooHoo! As I was drafting this post I got an email regarding a query from the ‘Sabarimala of the West’.
There is a famous saying and trusted belief that “தை பிறந்தா வழி பிறக்கும்”. Let us ensure and pray the Almighty that this thanksgiving marks a demise of agonizing moments, distressful thoughts and events and sows the seeds of blooming bright future and days ahead. Amen. Tatasthu.
The Dangers through Dumpster Diving
What is Dumpster-Diving?
Dumpster diving is a practice in many countries where challenged and/or otherwise type of people look into the trash out of curiosity for usable items. Poor people look out for food and other people try to see if any valuable usable items are available. Check out full wiki story here.
Scammers/Credit Thieves use Dumpster Diving
- Throwing away your bank or or confidential information without proper shredding of the same may get it landed onto the hands of a credit thief.
- The recent Enthiran movie (Robot in Hindi and Robo in Telegu) showed the ill-effects of dumpster diving. Having been totally dissatisfied with his robot, Dr. Vasee dismantles and throws away the robot into a landfill dumpyard. The product still has active battery with its neural schema fully functional and intact. This lands into the hands of his maligned guide (Dr. Bora) who thieves the neural schema diverting it to to make illegal robotic kits for the terrorists.
It is always better to shred the confidential items before the same is discarded considering the heightened security perils prevailing in the ambience.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am LD… Speed 1 Thz Memory 1 ZB
Today I wanted to curse that idiot God who has made me into a Homo Sapiens. I would love to have be a member of Robo Sapiens. On a ThanksGiving eve I would like to request Lord if you could transition me into the desired breed. I admit that the other shore is always a greener pasture. Nay. I am not crying for the moon. But here are a few things to share:
- Focused on Task
- An ability to ensure others is not hurt even unintentionally.
- An ability to desist from pessimism. Robo Sapiens is always optimistic. At least is aspires to be. At least it makes every small step to move towards the task completion.
- An ability to refrain from Raja/Tama.
Catching a bad is faster rather more faster than a fire than good…
Evil things and evil spirit fast, faster and the fastest whereas the mills of God grind slow but sure. These turn out to be true even for other petty things. Recently I have observed a technical glitch in AOL Webmail Suite.
I had to email some one and there was an inadvertent error in the address. Interestingly, the auto-save contacts on compose clipped the incorrect address even though there was a failure of the email delivery. However at least till this date (more than three ways of repeated conversations with that recipient) the contact is unable to be added automatically and it keeps suggesting the incorrect in the To dialog.
This is true in many other aspects as well. Other predominant trend that we witness is as below.
People tend to be carried over by mundane presentations and attractions (distractions – would that be more befitting?) rather than the inner truth, which we call by infatuation realizing their folly (deep fried blunder) very later when it is irreversible. We dub this syndrome and encapsulate it in a shiny term called ‘infatuation’.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Karthigai/Pancharatra Deepam Celebration …
[Activate Command Mode: ‘Lavanya’]
Even when I travel for business and/or other reasons I ensure that our spiritual and religious observations are not challenged. Karthigai Deepam is a significant festival as it is called for Saivities (and referred as Pancharatra Deepam for Vaishnavites).
Whilst it is said that our female fraternity is best as home managers in getting the homes lighted up, thanks to my inbuilt guide to get this celebrated in a much grand way.
[Command Mode Activated]
I also put a Sri Sooktham prayer (YN Sharma and HA Shastry).
[Karthigai/Pancharatra Celebration Task Complete]
Maruthani–A tamil movie bringing out the love and affection between a brother and a sister
The Tamil film that seems to have got released around 10th September 2010. It might not be a big box office hit but Super Good Films has truly made a humble endeavor to bring out the love and affection that prevails between a brother and sister. The movie starts in sad moments and ends with tears but moves anyone watching it and makes them realize the true love and affection between a true brother and a sister.
Some of the significant observations of the movie are:
- People tend to be easily carried forwarded by negative suggestions (which are easy to understand and follow) than positive ones (Elixirs were and are never sweet).
- The brother’s spouse has a serious set of allegations as his sister being a contender for his love towards her. He clarifies the point that who has a true affection to his sister would ensure an unpolluted love for his wife too because he would be in a position to appreciate his sister’s position in her inlaws family.
I sincerely thank Pratap for bringing out this movie emphasizing the true affection between a brother and a sister.
I am at least deeply moved by this movie given to the fact that a very recent incident hurt my sister very much. She tried suppressing this to me that she faced vehemently serious harsh baseless allegations from one of our other distant circles but as a brother I could understand her heart. So let us make it a point to appreciate the true affection of brother-sister relationship before venturing into unleashing terror with virally wild speculations on them.
I am also glad to have got this opportunity to view this film on ‘Karthigai Deepam’ and the movie itself opens up with prayers at Tiruvannamalai.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Puttabarthi Sri Sathya Sai Baba Birthday Celebrations–November 23
Whilst browsing through a few facebook posts I came to know that November 23 is birthday (jayanthi utsav) of Puttabarthi Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Let us pray Him for His most kindest showers of blessings.
I am here sharing a small Suprabatam of Sri Satya Sai Baba uploaded by (sainath459) for the benefit of everyone.
Now this adds another divinity to the month of November.
Happy Karthigai/Pancharatra Deepam to everyone!
LavanyaDeepak expresses its heartfelt wishes to everyone on the occasion of Karthigai/Pancharatra Deepam.
- Let this row of lights eradicate the darkness in the minds.
- Let this row of lights abolish poverty and sow the seeds of prosperity all over.
- Let this row of lights spread the brightness of smiles all over.
Virtual Pilgrimage of Sabarimala
I came across a virtual pilgrimage video and audio of Sabarimala prepared by P4Panorama website. It has the evergreen melodious Pallikattu son playing in the background.
Check it out here: Sabarimala Pilgrimage
Check with your speakers turned on and preferably on a fast broadband connection.
[Information Courtesy: Cris Iyer]
November wins another sweetness–“The Birth of Time”
Taking our philosophy and practice of November being a birthday month, we would like to again re-emphasize the month of November-December (Mrigashira) also features Kala Bhairava Jayanthi. Every month the eighth day after the full moon day is considered as Kalabhairavastami. Whilst every month’s Kalastami (shortly known for Kalabhairavastami) is considered as Kala Bhairava’s Power Time, the annual jayanthi of Him is considered very auspicious.
Source Courtesy:
Let us listen to a melodius prayer song of Kalabhairavastakam in the voice of Uma Mohan here.
- Dog is considered as a vehicle of Kalabhairavan. Hence let us ensure that dogs are not abused and treated with love and affection. Check our our discussion on the need to care for dogs here.
- Time and tide wait for none. Hence let us ensure that every second is spent with care towards positive things only. Let us favorite Todolist help us in this mission.
- "If you insult time, you are insulting Kala Bhairava."~ Dr. Pillai, founder of AstroVed
- November and specifically November 2010 wins the pride of being a divinity birthday month blessing all and specially celebrating birthdays this month.
- Update on 24th November 2010. An update from Dinamalar regarding Bhairavar jayanthi in a temple in Tamil Nadu:
Friday, November 19, 2010
Veeramani Raju Bhajan on December 1 2010 in Kamaraj Arangam, Teynampet, Chennai
The annual Ayyappa Bhajan conducted by Veeramani Raju and his group has been announced in Veeramani Raju’s official website http://www.veeramaniraju.com/. It is on 1st December 2010.
I just had a quick conversation with him and they were also trying to get some one arrange a LiveStream for the benefit of devotees logging on from across the globe and for those who are not able to attend it in person. Others please mark the calendars to attend the Bhajans and ensure to get the blessings of Lord Ayyappa.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tear drops of good should trigger and open flood gate spate blood-bath of evil…
Nor am I Anniyan/Aparicit
Growing with FaceBook!
About two days back I got a ‘Friend Suggestion’ from the managing director of one of my previous organizations with whom I had a sojourn stay in New Delhi. Since I could not refresh my memory I wrote him back asking if the message was in error and whether I knew him. He responded that out of curiosity he suggested the friend because the suggested contact was actually his friend’s kid who is just eight years old but with an overbubbling enthusiasm in FaceBook
You may like to love, recall and appreciate the fact that LD diligently enforces and follows “Mission SafeSocialNetworking_EcoSystem”.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
[Imported from Blogdrive]Blog Caption Styling Change
I just got a message from a few asking me if the blog caption styling has changed. Yes. It has changed. I have indicated this in my other blog over here (http://deepakvasudevan.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-caption-one-and-top.html).
This styling change was introduced to avoid duplicate captioning bug. <!--
bd_ad_type = 'inline';
bd_ad_id = '35085';
Posted at 06:02 am by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan
bwl March 22, 2012 10:22 AM PDT Good one�
sdees March 8, 2012 07:04 PM PST Amazing the visit was worth�
deepa s January 25, 2012 03:22 PM PST good one...
rosesandgifts.comengineering essays March 12, 2011 11:29 AM PST Excellent posting here people will get lot of information with the help of posted information & topics from this blog. nice work keep it going.
Original BlogDrive Post on Wednesday, November 17, 2010
[Imported from Blogdrive]Whoosh! When the blog is little dormant for a while, spammers get active �
Just for a while because of time and other reasons this blog was idle. And spammers and other nonsensical creatures seems to be acting hysterically both in comments and shoutbox. They have been controlled now. There is a good old saying that �Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss� and this turns to be very much true at least with respect to the blogging platform. <!--
bd_ad_type = 'inline';
bd_ad_id = '16051';
Posted at 05:52 am by Deepak Kumar Vasudevan
Name May 8, 2012 01:17 PM PDT Amazing the visit was worth�
Original BlogDrive Post on Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sri Sabarimalai Ayyappan 108 Potri
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A very small song but ocean-deep thoughts from Bharati in the beautiful voice of Bombay Jayasree …
Today whilst hearing a few golden melodies the most powerful music that enthralled me was Bombay Jayasree voice of Bharati’s song ‘Ninnai Charanadainthen…’. The lyrics are as below:
நின்னைச் சரணடைந்தேன் - கண்ணம்மா!
நின்னைச் சரணடைந்தேன்!
பொன்னை உயர்வைப் புகழை விரும்பிடும்
என்னைக் கவலைகள் தின்னத் தகாதென்று (நின்னை)
மிடிமையும் அச்சமும் மேவியென் நெஞ்சில்
குடிமைபுகுந்தன, கொன்றவைபோக் கென்று (நின்னை)
தன்செய லெண்ணித் தவிப்பது தீர்ந்திங்கு
நின்செயல் செய்து நிறைவு பெறும்வணம் (நின்னை)
துன்பமில்லை, சோர்வில்லை, தோற்பில்லை,
நல்லது தீயது நாமறியோம்! அன்னை (நின்னை)
அன்பு நெறியில் அறங்கள் வளர்ந்திட
நல்லது நாட்டுக! தீமையை ஓட்டுக!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thanks to Pradeepa for bringing daffodils to our desktop …
Just had a quick opportunity to surf through the photos of my colleague (Pradeepa Nachimuthu) in her facebook profile. I really admire her artistic photographic excellency in capturing the picturesque moments of nature (in the lines of William Wordsworth’s The Daffodils)
I hence am sharing a photograph from her album. There is another photo with more exquisite coverage of the daffodils reminding the words “They stretch'd in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay:” but since that photo had persons in the foreground for privacy reasons I am not including that here.
If Pradeepa permits me, I can link that album here. Thanks for the excellent album, Pradeepa for:
“For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils."
The High Resolution Image of Sri Ayyappa
Sometime back we were discussing about the high resolution image of Sri Ayyappa over here. Just thought I would share the PNG high resolution image of the Lord over here for the benefit of all devotees.
I thank the Lord for the said opportunity of sharing the PNG image for the pooja room of all devotees on the following occasions:
- On my birthday
- Just a week before the start of the month of Karthigai when the Ayyappa vratham starts.
I would also like to remind people that this month Karthigai starts on a very holy Ekadasi day. The ‘Ekadasi’ is very sacred for Lord Vishnu. Besides this, ‘Ekadasi’ indicates the 11th day. The number ‘11’ is most commonly associated and glorified with Lord Shiva as well. This is a very divine blessing because Ayyappa Himself is considered as a complete incarnation and combination of the Trinity.
Thanks for the tonnage of birthday wishes!
This day (10th of November 2010) dawned out with enormous jubilation.
- The Pilot Wish from the Abode of the Chief of the Lords: The joyous thunderous wishes started pouring even from 7th November 2010 with the first birthday wish from Kaattawakkam Viswarooopa Lakshmi Narasimhan temple trust Sri Parthasarathy.
- Sincere thanks for the breezy sweet wishes that turned on 12 AM Indian Time from the divine city of Srirangam.
- Gratitude to the thanks from serene city of Seattle at 12 AM New York Time.
- Heart-felt thanks to my friends from United Kingdom and European Union for the gracious greetings and lovely blessings.
- The torrential downpour of greetings from Toronto was simply inspiring, encouraging and taking me to great heights.
- Sweet loves and affectionate wishes from the friend’s neighborhood in FaceBook and Google Blogger.
- The Birthday Calendar which ran an innovative countdown and wishes in its own novel way:
எல்லாப் புகழும் இறைவனுக்கே:
Thursday, November 04, 2010
November is truly (my) birthday month …
Who told that Sun Network or Raj TV alone can celebrate Birthday Voices in their morning programs? FaceBook brings this to everyone’s delight. As we used to discuss every year regarding the essence of November and enjoyment of birthday month, now Birthday Calendar application on FaceBook clearly indicates that a lot of our friends celebrate birthday around this month.
A snapshot of my birthday calendar for November 2010 below:
Monday, November 01, 2010
Happy Thalai Deepavali to Kitten
In just two days the world celebrates Deepavali. Peninsular India has a history that Deepavali is the day when wicked Narakasura was slain. North India celebrates Deepavali as a return of Sri Rama to Ayodhya after slaying lecherous usurious wicked demon devil king Ravana. Whatever be the objective the bottomline celebration of Deepavali is ‘Victory over the Evil’.
Thalai Deepavali is that Deepavali which comes right after the wedding. I would recall our Kitten’s Wedding celebration post here.
A few more of my friends celebrating Thalai Deepavali are:
- Kothai Vedhantham (aka) Jo (Rajakilpakkam)
- Vijayalakshmi Seshadri (aka) Viji (aka) Vinodha (Srirangam)
- Sukanya Sampathkumar (Verizon)
Let us wish them a Very Happy Thalai Deepavali.
Acharya Daniyans as a small silverlight project
We should always show the gesture of gratitude to the Lord for bestowing His showers of kindness upon us. Here is a small silverlight application that brings out the acharya daniyans (page by page).
I am still amateurish in SL and Graphics so expect content information in it but pardon me for the content presentation. Since I don’t have a Silverlight Hosting available with me, you can download the SL project from here. You need Visual Studio 2010 to build the application and view the same.
Alternatively you can view the video capture of the same below.
Interesting Corporate Addresses “xyz, XYZ Way”
If you closely observe the addresses of a few giants and corporates they would are really amusing and inspiring. Here are a few of them:
- Microsoft: 1, Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington 98052 WA
- Verizon: 1, Verizon Way, Baskin Ridge, New Jersey 07920-1097 NJ
- Oracle: 1910 Oracle Way, Reston, VA 20190
Just thought I would share these observations with other readers too. As an added information, Verizon has one more information to its pride. Verizon Building located in Mid-Town Manhattan is known for its exquisite architecture and majesty. Check out a high resolution snapshot of the same over here:
You know of ‘Art of Living’. Did you know about ‘Art of Driving’?
Everyone of us know about Art of Living by Poojya Sri Sri Ravishankar. But have you come across Art of Driving? For this we ought to lookup against Chennai and Hyderabad autodrivers. And the government should truly consider making these auto drivers as national coaches.
[Quote Courtesy: Mohan Chandran, a prolific social writer from Hyderabad]