Saturday, September 24, 2005

ICE Numbers in your Mobile Phone

ICE Numbers in your Mobile Phone

A mobile number has lost its fancy status now in the world. Yep. It has got promoted as a mandatory tool for an effective communication asset for anybody for that matter. You are never unreachable with a good network subscription in place.

I chanced to came across a hoarding advertisement in T. Nagar, which says 'Have you recorded ICE Phone numbers in your mobile phonebook?'. There has been much less advertisement, for that matter, for this very important fact.

I think the government and/or the networks should take the proactive step in getting up with the following:

  1. Get a minimum of 4 numbers from each subscriber.
  2. Prefix them as ICE- and can encode them as Service Numbers itself.
  3. The subscriber should be denied permission of modifying these and any requests should be routed through the network.
  4. Of course, this means restricting the individual subscribers from free phone book usage of thier phone. But anyway it is for thier safety. Since we feel lazy to add ICE numbers, if network places an emphasis, and in case of emergency, somebody can help them out.

Would the networks think over it?

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