My Philips Tape Recorder -- Routine Health Checkup and a Humourous Melodrama with Canara Bank T Nagar
My Philips Two-in-One was experiencing some health downtime for the past some days. There were some hiccups, coughing, bad throat (or soar throat). I was trying to find out the nearest authorised clinic (service center) for Philips and homed in on to the regular one at T. Nagar. After two days of in-patient treatment, now he is jumping back to normalcy.
Today while negotiating with the T. Nagar service center, there were some interesting melodrama too. Instead of wasting time as this guy does the checkups, I thought, I would do some little banking with the Canara Bank. Albeit the fact my account was at Adyar branch, the account operations were now possible anywhere as long as the guest branch I am transaction has been brought under CBS (Core Banking Services). My branch (host branch) is already under CBS. Here goes an interesting conversation me and Canara Bank.
Me > I need to make a deposit to my Adyar KB
Bank Staff (Sleepy) > No. No. I am busy now. Nobody is at the counter for CBS. Come tomorrow.
Me > If nobody is at the counter, then what are you doing over here (cynically)?
Bank Staff (Sleepy) > I came for something else here. I am going back to my other counter.
(I walked a couple of steps to the manager's cabin and put a word to him. The intercom rings from manager's cabin. The same guy comes rushing inside as if he was being chased by a mad dog. Hurriedly, he took my challan, made deposit and came back and gave it back to me.)
That completes a humourous drama with Canara Bank, T. Nagar. This was the second such incident with Canara Bank, T Nagar. I think this branch is packed with full slumber guys. If I start comparing these lazy jerks with my KB Nagar, the system will throw System.StackOverflowException.
Heaven knows when these guys would repent and mend their ways or are they dog's tails that never straighten up?
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