Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Visit to the Dentist

A Visit to the Dentist

I had been planning a while to visit my dentist since I had some pain in a premolar teeth. Sometime on November 1 (Wednesday), I made a visit. This was about the adjacent tooth that was serving as the epicenter, whose neighbor was treated about two years back. This time, I had initiated a visit myself quite early because of the following reasons:

  1. An earlier experience of acute dental pains
  2. My work nature prevented me from delaying too much and getting back to full swing at the earliest.

It has been treated off now and perhaps more interesting experiences in the clinic same as in the linked previous experience. The treatment, this time on a multiple sitting basis was spanning from November 1 till about November 9, my Birthday eve.

For those interested in knowing the details of Root Canal Treatment, here is the link from Animated Teeth website.

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