Saturday, July 14, 2007

A Unique Search-And-Win Contest from an Indian Search Engine

A Unique Search-And-Win Contest from an Indian Search Engine

While casually browsing through my inbox, there was one interesting email from one of my friend, basically delivered as 'Invitation' from his account. At first, I normally, I don't much entertain such emails as they just begin the clutter of your emailbox inviting more spam. But this one, after a close watch and browsing the website, seemed to be really interesting on the following grounds:

  1. Innovative Quick Tour: Every website would provide a QuickTour of the various features that it proposes to offer and is offering at the time of its introduction. Normally most of them would be self-explanatory flash movie with no user-interaction from the websurfer. This means the user would be just a mute spectator (audience). But this one, I felt threw open questions, made the user to throw specific searches to the spider, get the result back and analyze it on the results page.
  2. Fine-Tuning Search Skills: Deducing from (1), I also felt that the way the user was asked to search for different things also exposes him to effectively use Internet Search Engines and get the results in more short time.
  3. Encouraging and Innovative Prizes: I am not sure whether the prizes are real. The website is promising too good prizes to be real though. But anyway, at least it is a visual feast trying to compete and get some good 'Search and Win Coupons' in your emailbox.
  4. Top Coupon Holders: It also features a 'Hall of Fame' section and displays the Top Coupon holders. You can check out this section here.

Check out Guruji contests here.

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