Monday, December 06, 2010

Dinamalar endorses our complaints on poor security practices…

Not any longer than we discussed about bad rotten apples in our security infrastructure than we have a good resilient example from the secretariat of Government of Tamil Nadu. Today’s Dinamalar Web Edition features a photograph where the secretariat building is fluttering the national flag which is in a mutilated condition.


Is Government of Tamil Nadu ministers and/or the top notch security personnel unaware of 'The Flag Code of Conduct’? It is shameless to have this in a building which claims the highest amount of security infrastructure in the state when the national flag does not have its share of basic security and in a state where Kodi Kaatha Kumaran lived.

All sworn-in ministers should morally take responsibility for this callous behavior at least they should fax their intent of resignation ASAP to +91-44-22350570 or email it at

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